Aurora Bauzá and Pere Jou are composers, performers and creators in the field of performing arts. On March 11 and 12, 2023, they will present A BEGINNING #16161D at the Auditori de Barcelona, a creation supported by Hémisphère son.
"The central object of our research is the human voice and its relationship with body, movement and space. As creators, we work with music and sound space not only as a sound phenomenon that provokes emotion, but also as a physical, visual, palpable phenomenon, an element as tangible and corporeal in the construction of a scenic project as the cement blocks are in an architectural project. Our scenic compositions are interpreted with the body and the voice, but also with the light, the choreographic movement, the scenic rhythm, the resonance in the space... simply with everything that we can imagine within the framework of what we call stage" comments Aurora Bauza y Pere Jou.
Conceptually, they like to follow creative processes that refer to identity, both individual and collective. Their work is influenced by artists such asAlessandro Sciarroni, Maud le Pladec and Pere Faura (Ça Marche), with whom they work as composers and/or performers.
Since 2019, Aurora Bauza and Pere Jou have been resident at Graner (Centre de Creació - Barcelona), Can Gassol (Mataró), L'Estruch (Sabadell), and Festival TNT (Terrassa). During this period, they have created the piece I AM (T)HERE at the Greek Festival in 2020, then presented at Festival Eufònic, Dansa Metropolitana, Casal Solleric de Mallorca, Centre d'Arts Santa Mònica, Festival Mixtur, Festival In-Sonora at CentroCentro de Madrid, Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Conde Duque, Festival OFF-Liceu de Barcelona, Festival Cádiz en Danza.
"The result is visually fascinating: this show presents an innovative encounter between two disciplines, music and movement, which end up forming a unique whole. The contractions of the diaphragm and flanks of the singer-dancer, who wears a white, almost transparent undershirt, allow us to see this force at work: the air, the control of the voice, the amplitude and projection of sounds. A conceptual response to the tradition of classical music, which assigns the body as a simple physical support of the voice, to become a body from which the movement itself is produced" reports the critic Jordi Sora i Domenjó.
After this experience, in 2021, they propose WE ARE (T)HERE at the TNT Festival in Terrassa, Catalonia and then on tour at La Casa Encendida in Madrid, the Fira Tàrrega, the Meet You Festival in Valladolid, the Castillo de Montjuïc in Barcelona and the Festival de Música Visual in Lanzarote.
"WE ARE (T)HERE is the collective continuation of the solo I AM (T)HERE. Here, our research into the relationship between the human voice and movement explores space through its acoustics and resonance: the voice is used as a tool to discover the possibilities of sound in space or the possibilities of space for sound. Our research is also part of a collective perspective of approaching the social, as individuals discover the power and potential of alliance, but also the shadows and disturbances of social relationships."
WE ARE (T)HERE - Aurora Bauzà & Pere Jou from Aurora Bauzà & Pere Jou on Vimeo
They are still making in 2021 : Aquí i no allá presented at the Festival of Boombeta, within the framework of Greek 2021 and at the Teatro Principal de Olot, in Girona (Festival Entranyes 2022).
At the same time, Aurora Bauza and Pere Jou, under the name of Teleman Rec, continue their collaborations with other artists for musical composition, musical dramaturgy and/or as performers.
In particular with the choreographer Alessandro Sciarroni, as well as Maud Le Pladec, Ça Marche and Pere Faura,
In 2020, they receive the Catalan Critics Award for the best music 2021 for Aquella Nit by David Selvas.
As well as the Performing Arts Award of the Valencian Institute of Culture for the best music in La Mort i la donzella by Asun Noales in 2021.
Pere Jou holds a degree in opera singing, countertenor specialization, from the Conservatorio Superiore dul Liceu of Barcelona, a degree in audiovisual communication and sociology and a master's degree in music as an interdisciplinary art from the University of Barcelona.
Aurora Bauzà graduated in classical piano from the Conservatori Superieur d'Illes Balears. She also holds a degree in Musicology (University of Granada and Freie Universität Berlin), and a Master's degree in Music as an Interdisciplinary Art from the University of Barcelona.
Creation at theAuditori of A BEGINNING #16161D on March 11 at 8pm and on March 12, 2023 at 6pm.
Photo © Germán Antón