Electrocution No. 7Electronic Gateways

Sound Portraits 09.06.2021

The Electrocution festival of the Ensemble Sillages is held every year in March in Brest. It could not take place in 2020, cancelled at the last minute due to the lockdown. For the seventh edition, Gonzalo Bustos, the new artistic director of Sillages, who took over from Philippe Arrii-Blachette in 2020, has decided to focus on the binaural internet broadcasting of a single evening, full and rich in sonic emotions, on 26 March 2021.

This sound portrait immerses us in the heart of this inevitably special edition of the Breton festival, which we were lucky enough to attend on site. We observed the fascinating ballet of the busy technicians, who were making sure that everything went as smoothly as possible for the broadcast of the event: images, sounds and interactions with the audience.

With Philippe Nahon, guest conductor, and then with Hélène Colombotti, Vincent Leterme and Jean-Marc Fessard - three musicians from Sillages - we discussed one of the featured composers, the American Edmund Camion. Finally, we discuss the work of Philippe Ollivier and Lara Morciano with Gonzalo Bustos.

Extracts from works :

Outside Music by Edmund Campion (Ensemble Sillages conducted by Philippe Nahon)

Losing Touch by Edmund Camion (Hélène Colombotti, vibraphone)

Au bord d'un monde #2 Traverser by Philippe Ollivier (Philippe Ollivier, bandoneon)

Espace-Temps by Tony Dudognon & Ruth Matarasso (Created by the Conservatoire de Brest Métropole)

Embedding Tangles by Lara Morciano (Sophie Deshayes, flute)

You can listen to the festival evening with headphones in binaural broadcast here.

Sound portrait of Guillaume Kosmicki

Presenting voice: Amandine Dubois
Photos © Guy Chuiton

Title music
Murray Schafer, "The Music of Horns and Whistles"(The Vancouver Soundscape, Ensemble Productions Ltd., 1973)


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