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Sound portraits

Musical confidences, artists' stories, current affairs and a lot of music, everything is sound in these portraits of Hémisphère son.

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Colleen, aka Cécile Schott, is a French composer and singer living in Barcelona. She is the author of an exemplary, singular and unclassifiable body of music. Interview by Jean-Yves Leloup.

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An independent, editorial music platform for innovative music.

A music magazine to follow the sound news in a different way, to explore all the genres and discover known or emerging artists through interviews, podcasts, concerts, playlists and thematic files.
A directory to find festivals, ensembles, labels, webradios or networks on the international scene.
A tool to support creation through commissions of original works or production grants.
Hémisphère son is attentive to parity, territories, generations, multiple and singular.

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